Seluruh pimpinan fraksi DPR, Rabu (27/03), menghadiri rapat yang mengagendakan pembahasan ketidakhadiran anggota Dewan saat rapat. Rapat ini berkaitan dengan tingkat ketidakhadiran anggota DPR yang minim saat membahas Rancangan Undang-undang Money Laundering, beberapa hari silam. Saat itu, hanya 49 anggota DPR yang hadir dalam persidangan. Padahal, di daftar hadir ada 300 anggota yang menandatanganinya.
It's not uncommon in various media about the truancy court committed member House of Representatives (DPR). Moral sanctions should be performed by the mass media and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to announce the names are often absent in the trial is more than enough. But that sort of thing did not make them wary, even a decline in every period of the trial.
If the discussion and ratification of the Bill (the bill) they are not present, how they can channel the aspirations of its people? Even if they did attend were teased each other when an opinion, talk to others via cell phones, reading newspapers, some are sleeping. Even when they argue, their opinions are often put forward the emotional, personal and group interests. That may be because as a politician, they do not depart from the bottom. That makes them mentality like that, because they never felt the real struggle.
Unfortunately salaries we pay to them, unfortunately also the consumption of which has disediadakan only become cat food. Ironically, the opposite state of the people of Indonesia. There are starving in the streets, expecting the mercy of others. When the proposed sanctions by cutting salaries for those who play truant, they are angry.
There are even worse. Representatives of the people are more irresponsible, unprofessional act by taking that should not be their right. Enter the nominal is not small on account of each. Though it is state money, the money people!
Should the members of Parliament who are often truant realize how much trust they entailed on their shoulders. For what they were in the chairs and luxurious room. Then how should that be done? Maybe with selecting strictly within the parties. Cadres must be trained before they filed a "candidate for representative of the people". To be completely fair, they are not worthy of being representative of the people it should not be submitted as a candidate representatives. Only a competent that could be submitted. People should also be smart in choosing their representatives, to see their credibility carefully. Trackrecord assess candidates as long as he shook his deputy. No home without a thought for the future.
"No ditching, there may be other duties when not able to attend the trial". Such reasons may be acceptable if occasionally, two or three times. Well if each trial did not present it is unquestionable. Presence and often meet the quorum, but the number of physically present and enduring to the end only a handful. They did not feel they are to fight for people's welfare, as the main task of representatives of the people. They like being in kindergarten and the like was never taught manners when their opinion is not accepted, or not given the opportunity to express opinions.
If only they realized later eyes of their hearts wide open, to see with the naked eye. Not because of personal or group interests. Looking at what is needed for the welfare of the people, then create a policy for it by asking in the forums and make it happen with concrete steps. Remember people are expecting justice in this country. All that can happen if the members of Parliament and is responsible discipline in carrying out their duties.
But what happens in reality is very far from ideal. The result so it is today. Regulations that exist in our country like a blunt knife on top and getting down more sharply. When leaders violate either the regulators / policy, law enforcement officials, judicial officials as well officials. Sanctions are not implemented according to the rules applicable to real, konkalikong here and there. Unlike when the common people who committed abuse, even as straight-rules in stand upright.
It's not uncommon in various media about the truancy court committed member House of Representatives (DPR). Moral sanctions should be performed by the mass media and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to announce the names are often absent in the trial is more than enough. But that sort of thing did not make them wary, even a decline in every period of the trial.
If the discussion and ratification of the Bill (the bill) they are not present, how they can channel the aspirations of its people? Even if they did attend were teased each other when an opinion, talk to others via cell phones, reading newspapers, some are sleeping. Even when they argue, their opinions are often put forward the emotional, personal and group interests. That may be because as a politician, they do not depart from the bottom. That makes them mentality like that, because they never felt the real struggle.
Unfortunately salaries we pay to them, unfortunately also the consumption of which has disediadakan only become cat food. Ironically, the opposite state of the people of Indonesia. There are starving in the streets, expecting the mercy of others. When the proposed sanctions by cutting salaries for those who play truant, they are angry.
There are even worse. Representatives of the people are more irresponsible, unprofessional act by taking that should not be their right. Enter the nominal is not small on account of each. Though it is state money, the money people!
Should the members of Parliament who are often truant realize how much trust they entailed on their shoulders. For what they were in the chairs and luxurious room. Then how should that be done? Maybe with selecting strictly within the parties. Cadres must be trained before they filed a "candidate for representative of the people". To be completely fair, they are not worthy of being representative of the people it should not be submitted as a candidate representatives. Only a competent that could be submitted. People should also be smart in choosing their representatives, to see their credibility carefully. Trackrecord assess candidates as long as he shook his deputy. No home without a thought for the future.
"No ditching, there may be other duties when not able to attend the trial". Such reasons may be acceptable if occasionally, two or three times. Well if each trial did not present it is unquestionable. Presence and often meet the quorum, but the number of physically present and enduring to the end only a handful. They did not feel they are to fight for people's welfare, as the main task of representatives of the people. They like being in kindergarten and the like was never taught manners when their opinion is not accepted, or not given the opportunity to express opinions.
If only they realized later eyes of their hearts wide open, to see with the naked eye. Not because of personal or group interests. Looking at what is needed for the welfare of the people, then create a policy for it by asking in the forums and make it happen with concrete steps. Remember people are expecting justice in this country. All that can happen if the members of Parliament and is responsible discipline in carrying out their duties.
But what happens in reality is very far from ideal. The result so it is today. Regulations that exist in our country like a blunt knife on top and getting down more sharply. When leaders violate either the regulators / policy, law enforcement officials, judicial officials as well officials. Sanctions are not implemented according to the rules applicable to real, konkalikong here and there. Unlike when the common people who committed abuse, even as straight-rules in stand upright.